M2GOinfo application

Publication date: 04.02.2022

Mobile M2GOinfo application supplements the computer version of the modernised portal, Dynamic Passenger Information System (SDIP II).

M2GOinfo application allows to:

  • check on the map the location of a vehicle (bus, tram, trolleybus) and of an urban transport stop,
  • check the actual timetable for a selected stop situated in the GZM area,
  • search for and present the information about a selected transport (bus, tram, trolleybus) line,
  • present the information about a selected vehicle, related to: direction, name of the nearest stop, planned arrival time on the nearest stop, vehicle number (which consists of the operator number and vehicle‘s side number), time of the last update of the vehicle position,
  • check current messages on the current operations of the urban transport (information on diversions, repairs, or timetable changes),
  • search for most convenient connection between any two selected points (a place indicated on the map, a current position, a transport stop, or an address or a POI may be the origin and destination of travel),
  • search quickly for a transport line or a stop,
  • add to favourites the selected stops and transport lines.

The application may be downloaded from the Google Play website.