Service points

Publication date: 19.12.2018

1. ePOP

To deal with any matter without leaving your home, we recommend the ePOP. Select the topic of the matter, click the right icon and we will direct you to the right channel.  

Interaktywna mapa ZTM
Interactive map with connection search engine

– check the location of stops, ticket machines, or points of sale

System Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej
Dynamic Pessenger Information System

– check the actual time of vehicles departure and use other attractive functions of the Portal


Rozkłady jazdy i trasy
Timetable and routes

– check, when a bus, tram, or trolleybus leaves

Wyszukiwarka połączeń
Contact us

– via the hotline

Złóż wniosek, reklamację czy skargę
File an aookucation or complaint

(not related to ŚKUP cards)

2. Passenger Service Points

At Passenger Service Points (POP) it is possible to obtain information on the urban transport and to file claims, complaints, applications and grievances on the transport functioning. In addition, at POPs it also is possible, e.g., to pick up a Metrocard, to encode and approve a tariff discount. POPs sell tickets, too. 

Click in the following link to learn the Passenger Service Points locations.

3. Points of sale

A few hundred points of sale is available to the passengers in the area of the entire conurbation, where it is possible, e.g., to obtain a Metrocard. The points are situated in shops and kiosks. The list may be found below.

4. Ticket machines

Passengers can use two types of ticket machines:

  • Stationary Card Charging Machines (machines serving the Transport GZM system);
  • Solar machines (which do not serve Metrocards).