Metroline will connect Rudziniec with Gliwice

Publication date: 27.12.2022

A new Metroline starts on the 1st of January. Buses marked with number M106 will travel between Gliwice and Rudziniec. This is the first of connections served by the ZTM, which will serve the municipality of Rudziniec.

This is the first of connections served by the ZTM, which will serve the municipality of Rudziniec.

The line will be operating throughout the whole week from early morning hours till late night hours, on working days during rush hours - every half an hour, and every hour - beyond rush hours. On holidays the buses will be operating every two hours.

In the municipality of Rudziniec buses will stop in Rudziniec, Rudno, Bojszów, and Kleszczów. In Gliwice selected journeys will ensure access to the economic zone and logistic park in Brzezinka.


Metrolines are bus connections started regularly from May 2021. They are aimed at increasing the availability of transport offer and improving the travelling in cities and municipalities, through which they pass, till the time of starting the Metropolitan Railways.

You can read more about the new metroline in the ZTM message: Rudziniec, Gliwice – start of metropolitan line M106 – ZTM Messages (

Graphics: Honorowanie biletów kolejowych [Aktualizacja: 14.05., g. 8:43]
Honorowanie biletów kolejowych [Aktualizacja: 14.05., g. 8:43]

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