The Transport GZM Application and Portal available to passengers

Publication date: 07.08.2023

The application, which facilitates the purchase of tickets from the ZTM offer, is already available in the Google Play and App Store. The GZM encourages to test it and to share your comments.

- This is a kind of a première.August will be the month to learn the application’s operation. We will appreciate any comments related to its operation. The application does not have all the planned functionalities, yet; they will be successively added, but even within the available scope it will to a great degree facilitate the daily travelling to our residents - explains Mr Jacek Brzezinka, Member of the Management Board of the Upper-Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis.

Because of the application it will be possible to open an account in the Transport GZM system without a visit to a Passenger Service Point, and without waiting for the issuing of a card, like in the ŚKUP system. The purchased tickets are available immediately, it is not necessary to wait for their encoding.

The Transport GZM application is the only application, where it is possible to buy all tickets from the tariff, as well as long-term tickets, for 30, 90, and 180 days, Metrotickets, and package tickets.

The application also allows to plan the travelling due to the available timetables and a convenient planner.

- The implementation of a new system is a process. It is the moment when we can involve passengers in this process. We encourage to learn the application, and to send us comments related to its operation to the address - adds Mr Brzezinka.

Simply and conveniently

Because of the application, the opening of an account in the Transport GZM system will take less than 3 minutes. A visit to a Passenger Service Point (POP) or the waiting for a card, as it was the case for the Silesian Public Services Card (ŚKUP), will not be necessary. It is possible to import the data from the ŚKUP system and to open an account in the system from scratch.

A visit to a POP will also not be necessary to encode concessions, it will be possible to assign them to the account (in the mobile application or on the portal). At the first inspection it will be enough to present a document entitling to a concession, it will then be confirmed, and at the next rides it will not be necessary to have that document again. It is still possible to do that at a Passenger Service Point, but it is not obligatory; the confirmation by a ticket inspector in the vehicle is sufficient.

Two types of accounts

To use the Transport GZM system it is necessary to open an account (Individual User Account - IKU), personal or anonymous. The anonymous account will allow to purchase only selected types of tickets (bearer tickets), the personal account will allow to use a full functionality of the system, to purchase any ticket from the tariff, to encode a concession in the system, and to travel without the necessity to show documents during the tickets inspection (after the concession confirmation during the first inspection).

Start/Stop Ride - in the autumn

The next functionalities will appear in the application in its next editions. In autumn, a Start/Stop Ride option will be started, under which 5-, 10-, and 15-minute tickets will be available, a 30-minute free pause for a transfer, and the optimisation of travelling. At the end of a day the system will analyse all the Start/Stop Rides and will select a time interval, most favourable for the passenger. In addition, irrespective of the number of Start/Stop Rides during the day, the system will charge a fare not higher that an equivalent of a daily ticket price (PLN 12).

Ultimately, the Transport GZM system will replace the Silesian Public Services Card. Passengers, who became accustomed to use the plastic cards, instead of the application, will be able to continue using the old ŚKUP cards also in the new system. The Transport GZM system will also have its own cards. They will be available in the next stages of the system implementation. 

Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

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