The next ZTM preventive actions against coronavirus

Publication date: 10.03.2020

The suspension of tickets sale by drivers, regular service of ‘at request’ stops, and additional ventilation of vehicles - these are only some examples of next actions taken by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) aimed at infections prevention.

So far the ZTM ordered the operators to wash vehicles with special care and to introduce automatic opening of all bus, tram, and trolleybus doors during the stops serving. Moreover, the urban transport organiser intensified inspections of vehicle cleanness and started an information campaign - in vehicles and in Passenger Service Points (POPs) posters were displayed, informing passengers how to prevent the infection. The same information is provided also in the ZTM social media

Today (11.03) the ZTM gave the next instructions to carriers. Operators were ordered to serve regularly all stops - also those ‘at request’. Because of that the number of buttons touching by passengers is minimised. Moreover, bus and tram drivers were recommended to carry out additional ventilation of vehicles - by opening all doors for at least one minute before departure from the start stop. The tickets sale in vehicles was also suspended for two weeks (from 12.03).

The ZTM is preparing also to actions related to performance of additional disinfection of ticket machines. Special care will be devoted to machine components most frequently touched by passengers, i.e. the screen, keyboard, and outlet (from which paper tickets and change are collected) and the coin inlet.

Summary of actions taken by the ZTM:

· vehicles washing carried out by operators with special care,

· intensified inspection of vehicles cleanness,

· recommendation for automatic opening of all doors,

· suspension of tickets sale in vehicles for two weeks (from 12.03),

· launching an information campaign (posters in vehicles and in POPs, social media),

· decision about performance of additional ticket machines cleaning,

· closing POPs, and POKs (update: from 19.03 Customer Service Points (POK) are opened),

· regular serving of ‘at request’ stops,

· additional ventilation of vehicles.

Graphics: Masz bilet na mecz Zagłębia z Wisłą? Nie płacisz za podróż
Masz bilet na mecz Zagłębia z Wisłą? Nie płacisz za podróż

Kibice, którzy wybierają się na mecze Zagłębia Sosnowiec z Wisłą Kraków będą mogli bezpłatnie korzystać z komunikacji miejskiej.

Graphics: Maraton wydarzeń biegowych i zmiany w komunikacji miejskiej  [Aktualizacja: 26.04., godz. 12:30]
Maraton wydarzeń biegowych i zmiany w komunikacji miejskiej [Aktualizacja: 26.04., godz. 12:30]

Katowice, Knurów, Pilchowice i Siewierz – w tych gminach na początku maja zorganizowane zostaną biegi, do których musi zostać dostosowana komunikacja miejska. Osoby, które planują w tym czasie korzystać z autobusów w tych miejscowościach, powinny przed wyjściem z domu zapoznać się z wprowadzanymi zmianami. W przeciwnym wypadku, na przystanku lub w czasie podróży może czekać ich zaskoczenie.