A new metroline connects Dąbrowa Górnicza with municipalities of Psary and Bobrowniki

Publication date: 10.01.2023

The next metroline will appear on the Metropolis streets on the 14th of January. M103 connects municipalities of Bobrowniki and Psary with Dąbrowa Górnicza. This is the first direct bus connection of these municipalities.

The line will be operating throughout the entire week, with a frequency of 60 minutes. It will be served by two minibuses.

The line will start its route in Dąbrowa Górnicza on a new bus stop ‘Dąbrowa Górnicza Dworzec PKP’. In the area of the city the line will be running by a new road connecting Kościuszki and Robotnicza streets. Minibuses will stop in the area of Park Zielona and serve the Marianki district.

In the municipality of Psary buses will stop in Preczów, Sarnów, Psary, and Strzyżowice. In the municipality of Bobrowniki the Dobieszowice Skrzyżowanie will be the final stop of the new metroline.

More information about the new metroline may be found here.


Metrolines are bus connections started regularly from May 2021. They are aimed at increasing the availability of transport offer and improving the travelling in cities and municipalities, through which they pass.


Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
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