Publication date: 22.06.2022

A new metropolitan line, M107, will ensure direct connections of Pyskowice and Zbrosławice with Tarnowskie Góry during the entire week. The second ‘M’ - M105, will be operating on the Gliwice, Pyskowice, and Knurów route.

Metrolines are additional bus connections, which are aimed at improvement in travelling by urban transport through the Metropolis. Their goal is to improve accessibility and operations of the public transport till the time of Metropolitan Railway construction. An increased frequency of operations, almost round-the-clock service, and regular intervals between departure times are the main rules of Metrolines traffic organisation. Altogether 31 Metrolines are to be started, so far 16 of them began the operation.

M107 will ensure a direct connection of Pyskowice and Zbrosławice with Tarnowskie Góry

The introduction of M107 will be a favourable change for passengers. So far such a connection existed in a very limited form, mainly via transfer connections. Buses on the new Metroline will ensure daily direct connection and will operate every hour.

A new metropolitan line, M107, operating on the Pyskowice Szpitalna – Zbrosławice – Tarnowskie Góry Dworzec route will be started on the 25th of June.

Because of the Metroline introduction the buses on the new line will operate every hour. The first bust from Tarnowskie Góry will start at 5:07, and the last at 23:07. Departures from Pyskowice will be every 60 minutes, daily from 4:55 till 22:55.

M107 will serve the following stops: Pyskowice Szpitalna – Pyskowice Wojska Polskiego – Pyskowice Szopena  – Pyskowice Plac Wyszyńskiego  – Pyskowice Korty Tenisowe nż  – Zawada  – Karchowice II  – Karchowice I  – Boniowice Skrzyżowanie  – Boniowice Szkoła  – Kamieniec  – Kamieniec Apteka nż  – Zbrosławice Wolności  – Zbrosławice Dom Opieki– Zbrosławice Szkoła  – Zbrosławice Kościół  – Zbrosławice Jagiellońska  – Zbrosławice Rozwidlenie  – Laryszów Skrzyżowanie nż  – Stare Tarnowice Szpital  – Stare Tarnowice Janasa  – Stare Tarnowice Os. Przyjaźń  – Stare Tarnowice Pomorska  – Tarnowskie Góry Krótka  – Tarnowskie Góry Wyszyńskiego  – Tarnowskie Góry Bytomska  – Tarnowskie Góry Dworzec.

In addition, together with the start of M107, the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) has planned changes in other lines. They consist in a reduced number of route variants. It is aimed at contributing to readability of timetables.

  • 80 - cancellation of variant line routes in the relation: Tarnowskie Góry – Kamieniec and Gliwice – Tarnowskie Góry via Grzybowice and Repty Śląskie on the route of line 112.
  • 112 - where the Tarnowskie Góry Bytomska stop will be no longer served; instead, the Tarnowskie Góry Bytomska stop will be included in the service. In addition, the line will be operating only during the morning and afternoon rush hours. In the village of Wieszowa the stops situated in Sienkiewicza and Bytomska streets will no longer be served.
  • 134 - where the line route will be corrected by its extension to the Wieszowa Stacja Paliw stop. The following stops will also be served: Wieszowa Stacja Paliw – Wieszowa Bytomska nż – Wieszowa Szkoła – Wieszowa Kościuszki  – Wieszowa Kościół.
  • 153, 739 - where a new shortened route of the line will be introduced: Pyskowice Szpitalna – Księży Las; on the Księży Las stop these lines will be communicated with line 191, to ensure transport to Tarnowskie Góry, and in the morning hours to the Municipality Office of Zbrosławice. Line 739 will not be serving the village of Jaśkowice.
  • 191 - where we have planned to correct the timetable and route; additional journeys of line will be introduced. On the Księży Las stop the line will communicate with line 153. The following stops will not be served: Karchowice Kaplica, Karchowice I, and Boniowice Skrzyżowanie.
  • 712 - planned changes from the 1st of September 2022.
  • 791 - changed route - the line will be operating on the TG - Boniowice Szkoła route, like M107.

At the same time the Kamieniec Szkoła stop will be renamed to Boniowice Szkoła.

Because of M105 the frequency of journeys will increase

Line M105 will create an outline of metropolitan connections in the western part of the Metropolis and will ensure connection between Gliwice, Pyskowice, and Knurów. Its starting will cause, among other things:

  • an increase in the frequency of Żwirki i Wigury street area service in rush hours on working school days - during these hours buses will be running every 15 minutes (now every 30 minutes),
  • an increase in the number of journeys carried out between Gliwice and Knurów, and Gliwice Pyskowice,
  • an increase in the frequency of service of western and southern part of the Kopernika district,
  • night connections from Gliwice to Pyskowice will be established, and also night journeys from Knurów to Gliwice will be maintained.

On the day of M105 starting, also timetables of a few lines operating so far will be changed:

- With the start of the new metropolitan line the hitherto lines 194N, 648, 677, and 710 will be transformed into M105.

- To ensure the connection of Trynek and Kopernika District in Gliwice, which were served by lines 677 and 710, a new line will be started, 678.

- To improve access to Gliwice for 6:00 and to Pyskowice for 14:00, additional journeys of line 71 will be started.

- Selected journeys of line 194 will be directed to serve 26 Stycznia, and also Rybnicka and Zwycięstwa streets in Knurów, to take over the transport tasks of line 710. Having in mind the readability of lines marking, these journeys will be carried out as line 694.

Detailed information is provided in messages: Start of metropolitan line M107 and changes in the existing network of connections from the 25th of June 2022 - ZTM Messages ( and Start of metropolitan line M105 and changes in the existing network of connections from the 25th of June 2022 - ZTM Messages (


Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

W noce z 29 na 30 lipca 2024 r. oraz z 5 na 6 sierpnia w godzinach 22:00 - 3:00 przeprowadzane będą serwisowe prace Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej.

Graphics: Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach
Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach

Dobra wiadomość dla uczestników OFF Festivalu. W czasie trwania imprezy uruchomione zostaną specjalne, bezpłatne połączenia. Dodatkowo, autobusy linii 110 i 900 będą obsługiwać przystanek Muchowiec Lotnisko Pole Namiotowe.