Publication date: 15.11.2023

The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) has signed a contract to deliver and maintain 132 solar ticket machines. This investment will primarily increase the accessibility of tickets.

Tickets will be even more available for the urban transport passengers. The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) has signed with the Mera-Serwis SGL company a delivery and maintenance contract for 132 modern ticket machines supplied only with the solar energy. This innovative investment project reflects the ZTM commitment to the permanent development and the provision of the best services for passengers. 

Thinking about persons with disabilities and in accordance with the ecology and economy 

The ZTM invests in solar ticket machines not only for economic reasons. This is also an expression of respect for ecology. Because of the use of more profitable solar energy, the machines will be operating at a minimum environmental impact. This is consistent with the spirit of climate change and the pursuit of more sustainable future. This contract is also a step towards the ensuring of better access to tickets and of a greater travel comfort. 

The adaptation to the needs of persons with disabilities is one of most important features of the new ticket machines. The screens, coin slots, payment card readers, and places of tickets and change reception will be situated at an appropriate height, so that they would be accessible to everybody, also to persons moving on wheelchairs. The possibility of activating a contrast mode is also worth to be distinguished among solutions dedicated to persons with disabilities; it will enable persons with vision disorders to use the machines. 

Many functionalities. All tickets and also various languages and forms of payment 

The new ticket machines will enable purchasing all ZTM tickets, both those sold in the electronic and paper form. Various forms of payment will be available – cards, cash, and funds in the Transport GZM system. In addition, in new machines it will be possible not only to buy a ticket, but also to return it. In such cases the funds will be transferred to the electronic purse on the user’s account in the Transport GZM system. 

Additionally, in the new devices the passengers will also be capable of charging their accounts in the Transport GZM system. 

Foreigners will be able to use the devices easily. The ticket machines will be selling in 4 languages – Polish, English, German, and Ukrainian. 

The number of ticket machines will be twice larger than so far

The ZTM has now approx. 140 ticket machines. Because of the contract with the Mera-Serwis SGL, this number will be nearly doubled. According to the plans, the new devices will be situated in every municipality of the Upper-Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis. The first of them (at least 40 machines) will be installed during the nearest 12 months, and the last ones are to be founded by April 2025. 

The total cost of ticket machines purchase and maintenance amounts to approx. PLN 11.6 million. 



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