Changes in the urban transport at Easter

Publication date: 05.04.2023

During the Easter time the buses, trams, and trolleybuses will be operating a little differently than usually. The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) has prepared a special message which describes the planned changes. They will be in force from the 6th to 11th of April.

The spring holiday break at schools

Rules of the urban transport operation will change from the 6th till 11th of April. On the 6th, 7th, and 11th of April, i.e. during the holiday break at schools, timetables for working days (in the non-school and non-holiday variant) will be in force.

On Saturday like on Saturdays, on Sunday like on Sundays and public holidays, but with exceptions on both days.

Timetables for Saturdays (not summer holidays) and for Sundays and public holidays (not summer holidays) will be in force on Holy Saturday and on Easter Sunday, respectively. However, on certain lines exceptions will be in force and in these cases special timetables will be introduced. That will mean either finishing the buses operation earlier or omitting the stops situated close to shopping malls. Also certain lines will be suspended.

Timetables valid on Sundays and public holidays on Easter Monday

On Easter Monday (10th of April), like a day before, timetables for Sundays and public holidays will be in force. However, passengers should draw attention to the fact that also on this day deviations from this rule will be in force. This will apply both to the bus and tram connections.

Detailed information on the ZTM website

The urban transport organiser encourages the passengers, who plan to use connections during the Easter period, to learn the information describing the planned changes before leaving their home for a stop. It is available on the ZTM website, in the Messages tab. Interested persons can also call the free hot line, working round-the-clock (800 16 30 30).

The ZTM implements such changes a few times a year, e.g. on holidays and on long weekends. In such periods the number of passengers is smaller, so the reduction of connections frequency is economically justified. The next similar changes should be expected for the May Day period

Graphics: Masz bilet na mecz Zagłębia z Miedzią Legnica? Nie płacisz za podróż
Masz bilet na mecz Zagłębia z Miedzią Legnica? Nie płacisz za podróż

Kibice, którzy wybierają się na mecze Zagłębia Sosnowiec z Miedzią Legnica będą mogli bezpłatnie korzystać z komunikacji miejskiej.

Graphics: Maraton wydarzeń biegowych i zmiany w komunikacji miejskiej  [Aktualizacja: 26.04., godz. 12:30]
Maraton wydarzeń biegowych i zmiany w komunikacji miejskiej [Aktualizacja: 26.04., godz. 12:30]

Katowice, Knurów, Pilchowice i Siewierz – w tych gminach na początku maja zorganizowane zostaną biegi, do których musi zostać dostosowana komunikacja miejska. Osoby, które planują w tym czasie korzystać z autobusów w tych miejscowościach, powinny przed wyjściem z domu zapoznać się z wprowadzanymi zmianami. W przeciwnym wypadku, na przystanku lub w czasie podróży może czekać ich zaskoczenie.