Tramwaje Śląskie launched a competition for a family board game

Publication date: 25.08.2022

Questionnaire surveys and results of sales clearly show, that board games are one of favourite entertainments of Poles. Therefore, on the occasion of approaching European Mobility Week, the company Tramwaje Śląskie S.A. launches a competition for a design of a tram board game. The organisers wait for applications till the 11th of September.

How many times, playing board games, have you thought that this or that could have been done in a different way, better? That it would be good to add a functionality or change the rules? Now there is an opportunity to turn own ideas into reality. The company Tramwaje Śląskie S.A. launches a competition named ‘Design a family board game with trams’. - Its assumption is simple. The point is to design a board game for the whole family, which scenario will be strictly related to the tram transport. This is the only required element; we leave the rest to the participants imagination - says Mr Andrzej Zowada, spokesman of the company Tramwaje Śląskie S.A.

To participate in the competition it is necessary to create a prototype of the game and describe its rules, and pictures of the prototype with the description of rules should be sent by e-mail to the address: by a non-extendible deadline of 11th of September. - We obviously care for the fact that the tram elements would correspond to the specific nature of Tramwaje Śląskie. Hence if tram wagons appear in the game, they should be red and remind models operated in cities of the Upper-Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis . If elements of cities appear in the game, these should be cities, in which our trams are running. The jury will pay special attention to these elements - emphasises Mr Andrzej Zowada.

A whole family or a group of friends can participate in designing of the game, although an official application must refer to one person. - That can be a great fun in a family or friends circle. Such a brainstorm, eruption of ideas, can bring a great effect in the form of an interesting, engrossing, and involving game, which will provide great fun. If any design turns out appropriate, we do not exclude that we will order a professional company to create a game based on the winning design, which will be a great tram gadget - adds the spokesman.

Attractive awards are waiting for the competition laureates, in the form of - obviously - a set of board games worth approx. PLN 800 and Tramwaje Śląskie gadgets. The competition will be judged on the 15th of September, and the awarded persons will be informed about winning by e-mail or by phone. The festive handing in of awards will take place on the 17th of September, during the Open Day of the Tram Depot in Gliwice.

The competition rules and the application form are available on the Tramwaje Śląskie website.

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