Three new Metrolines will improve travelling through the Metropolis. They will appear on the streets on the 3rd of June
New metropolitan lines will soon appear on the streets of Metropolis cities and municipalities. Line M12 will provide a direct connection of the Wyry municipality with Katowice, M13 will run between the Economic Zone in Sosnowiec and the city centre of Katowice, while M17 will connect Sosnowiec with Bytom.
- We approach the moment, when all of 32 metrolines planned by us will be running on the Metropolis streets. Because of metropolitan lines we have not only improved travelling between big cities and the Pyrzowice airport, but also we have limited the transport exclusion in those municipalities, which were served by the public transport to a lesser extent. The next three metrolines, which we are going to start on the 3rd of June, also integrate with this scheme - says Mr Grzegorz Kwiatek, a Member of the GZM Management Board.
The start of line M13 will ensure an improved service of the Economic Zone in Sosnowiec, which will facilitate commuting for work by residents of Katowice and Mysłowice. The new connection will also enable quick travelling between Sosnowiec and the city centre of Katowice, through Mysłowice and Giszowiec, a district of Katowice, and also it will improve the travelling between Sosnowiec districts of Niwka. Dańdówka, and Bobrek. The line will be operating with a frequency of 30 minutes on the working days, and every 60 minutes on holidays.
Line M17, running between the Sosnowiec Urząd Miasta and Bytom Dworzec stops, will ensure an increased scope of the transport offer in Sosnowiec, Czeladź, Siemianowice Śląskie, Piekary Śląskie, and Bytom. In addition, it will ensure a direct connection of Sosnowiec with the economic zone in Bańgów. The line will be operating with a frequency of 30 minutes on the working days, and every 60 minutes on holidays.
- Because of M13, the residents of Dańdówka and Niwka, after many years, will be again capable of going directly to the strict city centre of Katowice. The new metroline will also ensure the connection with the economic zone close to S1, and also it will provide a possibility of visiting Giszowiec, which is so popular. In turn, M17 is a good proposal for those people, who are interested in a quick and convenient connection with Czeladź. I would like to thank the Metropolis and the ZTM for their cooperation, openness, and quick action - says Mr Arkadiusz Chęciński, the Mayor of Sosnowiec.
The line marked as M12 will ensure a direct connection of the Wyry municipality with Katowice, and will expand the scope of the transport offer in Mikołów, Łaziska Górne, and Katowice. The new connection will enable quick travelling between the city centre of Katowice, the Brynów Transfer Centre, the Transfer Centre in Mikołów, and the municipalities of Łaziska Górne and Wyry.
- This will be the first direct connection of the Wyry municipality with Katowice. In our municipality it will serve five stops. I think that, already from September, it will become so popular that students, who from the new school year will be commuting to post-primary schools, will start using it regularly. I also do count that many residents, working in Katowice, will transfer from their cars to just this direct bus line. I have told many times that line M12 is going to start shortly, and I am very glad that I can confirm that for our residents - says Ms Barbara Prasoł, the head of Wyry municipality.
On working days and Saturdays additional journeys of M12 in a shortened version: Katowice Sądowa – Łaziska Średnie Zwycięstwa will be started with a frequency of every 60 minutes, ensuring a common frequency of every 30 minutes on the section between Katowice and Łaziska Górne.
Metrolines are bus connections financed from the GZM budget, aimed at improving the public transport operation till the time of the Metropolitan Railways establishment. An increased frequency of operation and almost a round-the-clock service of individual lines is their characteristic. A part of metrolines, after the introduction of the Metropolitan Railways, will continue running on the routes, where the public railway transport does not operate.
Mikołajkowy Tramwaj Mundurowy
Straż Miejska w Chorzowie zaprasza na Mikołajkowy Tramwaj Mundurowy. Celem akcji jest przypomnienie zasad bezpieczeństwa w przestrzeni publicznej. Przejazd umilą świąteczne piosenki w wykonaniu zespołu „Roko i Colino”, maskotki służb mundurowych oraz św. Mikołaj.
Bezpłatne połączenia na Śląski Festiwal Nauki
Uczestnicy 8. edycji Śląskiego Festiwalu Nauki będą mogli przez trzy dni bezpłatnie dojeżdżać na i z festiwalu wszystkimi autobusami, tramwajami i trolejbusami Transport GZM. Wystarczy pobrać specjalny kupon.