ŚKUP start after failture. Permanent solutions return ŚKUP

Publication date: 20.02.2023

With the restoration of the ŚKUP system functionalities the temporary solutions, introduced for the period of failure by the ZTM, are no longer effective.

The solutions, which have been already withdrawn due to the ŚKUP failure removing, include: 

  • purchase of paper monthly tickets at Passenger Service Points and via the funds transfer to the transport organiser account, 
  • self-validation of single-ride tickets by means of a ballpoint pen and these tickets validation in punching validators, 
  • sales of all single-ride ticket types by drivers. 

The possibility of long-term tickets purchase by the mPay mobile application is an exception. This solution remains available till the 21st of February (Tuesday). 

Long-term tickets in the paper version, purchased during the failure, retain their validity (in accordance with the date marked on the ticket). The quarterly and semi-annual tickets will be remotely encoded by the ZTM on ŚKUP cards till the end of March, due to which from the beginning of April passengers will not have to hold their paper equivalents when using the urban transport. Persons willing to encode a paper monthly ticket on the ŚKUP card can contact on that matter the ZTM by e-mail (kancelaria@metropoliaztm.pl) or in writing (Zarząd Transportu Metropolitalnego, ul. Barbary 21a, 40-053 Katowice). 

The ZTM reminds, that passengers, who during the ŚKUP system failure had multi-ride tickets on their cards and were using the urban transport based on single-ride tickets, can apply for reimbursement of the difference in the incurred costs (the difference between single-ride and multi-ride tickets). The above refers to tickets used during the failure, both paper tickets and electronic tickets purchased in external mobile applications. 

To obtain such a reimbursement it is necessary to apply to the ZTM in writing (Zarząd Transportu Metropolitalnego, ul. Barbary 21a, 40-053 Katowice) or by e-mail (kancelaria@metropoliaztm.pl). In response, the transport organiser will provide further information. 

Passengers, who after the end of failure encountered any mistakes or difficulties in tickets purchasing, encoding, or validating, can contact the ZTM by e-mail (kancelaria@metropoliaztm.pl) or in writing (Zarząd Transportu Metropolitalnego, ul. Barbary 21a, 40-053 Katowice). All the applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 


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