During the weekend change the time will be changed. How will the buses and trams operate?

Publication date: 24.10.2022

At the night from the 29th to 30th of October the time will be changed from the summer to winter time. The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) clarifies, according to what rules the buses and trams will operate.

At the night from the 29th to 30th of October (Saturday to Sunday) we will move clock hands from 03:00 to 02:00 hours, which will be the initial hour of the winter time. The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) provides two rules describing the operation of the urban transport during that night. The journeys starting before 02:00 hours of the summer time and after 03:00 hours of the winter time will be performed in accordance with the binding timetables. Between these hours, i.e. during 120 minutes (that is between 02:00 hours of the summer time and 03:00 hours of the winter time), the connections will be carried out acc. to the winter time. This means that buses and trams will have a longer break after completion of the last journey, which started still in the summer time.

Changes of departure times will apply to night journeys of 13 tram lines (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, 26, 34, 39, and 51), 11 metropolitan lines (AP, M1, M2, M3, M4, M14, M16, M19, M101, M105, and M116), 24 bus lines (146, 149, 606, 1N, 7N, 30N, 32N, 60N, 76N, 130N, 297N, 617N, 623N, 657N, 672N, 692N, 840N, 902N, 903N, 904N, 905N, 906N, 911N, and A4N), and 5 lines of substitute bus transport (T-3, T-11, T-20, T-21, and T-26). 

Passengers, who plan to travel by the urban transport during the night from the 29th to 30th October can call any time the free and working round-the-clock ZTM hotline, to ensure at what time the journey, in which they are interested, will be carried out.

Detailed information on changes is provided in the special message.

Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

W noce z 29 na 30 lipca 2024 r. oraz z 5 na 6 sierpnia w godzinach 22:00 - 3:00 przeprowadzane będą serwisowe prace Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej.

Graphics: Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach
Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach

Dobra wiadomość dla uczestników OFF Festivalu. W czasie trwania imprezy uruchomione zostaną specjalne, bezpłatne połączenia. Dodatkowo, autobusy linii 110 i 900 będą obsługiwać przystanek Muchowiec Lotnisko Pole Namiotowe.