We are back with the transport classes. A new call has started

Publication date: 18.09.2023

How to travel safely by the urban transport? How to plan the travel, buy a ticket, use a concession, and why is the public transport important for the Planet? We discuss these and many other issues during the transport classes, the next edition of which starts already in October. We encourage primary schools to file the applications, which may be sent to the ZTM already from today!

Today (on the 18th of September) the new call starts for the next edition of transport classes. The classes are intended for pupils from primary schools, classes II and III. We invite the schools from the areas, which are reached by the ZTM transport, that is more than 55 cities and municipalities, to apply. The first classes will start already in October.

During the workshops and classes, the ZTM employees will present the rules of safe travelling by the urban transport and its environmental impact to children. Through games, the youngest will learn about the proper behaviour in buses, trams, and trolleybuses. The second- and third-class pupils will also learn, why is the use of public transport pro-ecological. In the area of Katowice, the classes will be delivered together with officers of the City Police Headquarters in Katowice.

The first edition of transport classes in this year was attended by more than 450 pupils from various parts of the region.

How to apply?

On the main website of the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM), in the Education – Transport classes tab, there is a special form, which may be filled in by the representatives of a specific educational establishment. A scan of the filled in application form shall be sent to the e-mail address: kancelaria@metropoliaztm.pl. We would appreciate that the mail is entitled ‘Zgłoszenie na zajęcia komunikacyjne’ (Application for transport classes). Once the application is received, we will directly contact the school employee designated in the form. We would appreciate sending the e-mails from the 18th of September till the end of May. 

Graphics: Masz bilet na mecz Zagłębia z Wisłą? Nie płacisz za podróż
Masz bilet na mecz Zagłębia z Wisłą? Nie płacisz za podróż

Kibice, którzy wybierają się na mecze Zagłębia Sosnowiec z Wisłą Kraków będą mogli bezpłatnie korzystać z komunikacji miejskiej.

Graphics: Maraton wydarzeń biegowych i zmiany w komunikacji miejskiej  [Aktualizacja: 26.04., godz. 12:30]
Maraton wydarzeń biegowych i zmiany w komunikacji miejskiej [Aktualizacja: 26.04., godz. 12:30]

Katowice, Knurów, Pilchowice i Siewierz – w tych gminach na początku maja zorganizowane zostaną biegi, do których musi zostać dostosowana komunikacja miejska. Osoby, które planują w tym czasie korzystać z autobusów w tych miejscowościach, powinny przed wyjściem z domu zapoznać się z wprowadzanymi zmianami. W przeciwnym wypadku, na przystanku lub w czasie podróży może czekać ich zaskoczenie.