Shipment of a new ŚKUP card to the indicated address? Vote in a survey

Publication date: 27.04.2020

Passengers are frequently asking about a possibility to receive the ŚKUP card to the indicated address. We decided to ask ‘Would you use the opportunity for ordering a new ŚKUP card to your home, if the shipment cost is PLN 10?’ We invite you to participate in the survey. The voting will last till 4 May (Monday), till 12:00.

Cards, enabling to use the ŚKUP system, have a defined validity date. For personalised cards it is 4 years. The application for a new card may be filed 3 months before its validity date expiration. Let us remind, that the information on the validity date is situated in its right bottom corner.

We encourage ŚKUP card holders not to wait with the card replacement till the last days of its validity. During the replacement all active tickets or charged amounts will be transferred onto a new card and will retain their continuity.

So far a possibility to order a ŚKUP card to home was not available, because the system of their production and distribution was planned many years ago and there was no decision to introduce such an option. Because of that now we do not have a possibility to start such a free service for passengers. It requires also introducing appropriate paid modifications in the system and preparing an appropriate process of cards activation and shipment.

However, responding to appearing passenger inquires, related to a possibility of card shipment to the indicated address, we would like to learn the estimate scale of interest in starting this additional service, if it is paid. Therefore via the survey we would like to learn your opinion on this matter. It will be an important guideline for us at making a decision on this matter.

At the same time we remind, that the basic form of cards ordering and receiving is free of charge for passengers. Applications for a new card may be filed online via the Customer Portal or at stationary Customer Service Points and Passenger Service Points. The new cards can be collected at Customer Service Points.

We invite you to participate in the survey. We wait for your opinions till 4 May, 12:00 hours. You can vote on the website

Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

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