Price changes of daily tickets and Metrotickets in the part of Koleje Śląskie. New price list from the 8th of April
Price changes will apply to the common ticket offer, which enables Koleje Śląskie passengers to use the entire urban transport in the GZM. ZTM ticket prices in force in buses, trams and trolleybuses don't change.
Changes in the price list comprise the common offer of Koleje Śląskie and the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM). They apply to:
- daily tickets (ZTM name - ‘24h + Kolej (Railway)’, Koleje Śląskie name - ‘Superticket 24 Zone M’), which enable passengers to travel without any limits by Koleje Śląskie trains throughout the Metropolis and by all ZTM buses, trams, and trolleybuses during 24 hours,
- Metrotickets/Supertickets, that is monthly tickets, which exist in seven variants and enable passengers, depending on the selected type, to use trains on the selected section or within the area of the entire GZM and to use ZTM urban transport in the area of Katowice or of the whole ZTM network.
The common offer comprises common settlements of such tickets sales. They consists of a railway part, which is the share of Koleje Śląskie, and a bus, tram, and trolleybus part, which is the share of ZTM. The change of Metroticket and daily tickets price list from the 8th of April applies to the increase in the railway part.
The decision to adopt these changes by Management Boards of both companies was taken after carried out negotiations. The adopted change of Metroticket prices is a resultant of Koleje Śląskie expectations, related to the amount of price changes in the railway part, and of the Metropolis position, according to which it is necessary to maintain proportions allowing to retain the price competitiveness with respect to travelling by individual transport.
Referring to the other tickets of the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) urban transport (tickets valid only in buses, trams, and trolleybuses) - their prices do not change.
Changes in the price list of the common offer with Koleje Śląskie, which will take effect on the 8th of April 2022:
- 24h + Kolej (Railway): normal - PLN 24, concessionary - PLN 12 (now: normal - PLN 15, concessionary - PLN 7.50)
- Metroticket Katowice Zone: normal - PLN 159, concessionary - PLN 79.50 (now: normal - PLN 119, concessionary - PLN 59.50)
- Metroticket in the selected colour zone: normal - PLN 220, concessionary - PLN 110 (now: normal - PLN 179, concessionary - PLN 89.50)
- Metroticket for the entire GZM network: normal - PLN 299, concessionary - PLN 149.50 (now: normal - PLN 229, concessionary - PLN 114.50)
In addition, the daily ticket will be sold only in the ZTM sales network.
Let us remind, that both in Koleje Śląskie trains and in vehicles with the ZTM logo, monthly tickets from the Metroticket and Superticket offers are mutually honoured. That means that buying a concessionary ticket in the ZTM sales network it is honoured by Koleje Śląskie and vice versa. Before increasing the integration in this field, concessionary Metrotickets could be bought only by students up to 26 years of age.
Zones within the Metroticket:
- Katowice Zone – valid in the area of the city of Katowice: in the transport organised by the ZTM and on all lines served by the KŚ;
- Red Metroticket: valid on the entire network in the transport organised by the ZTM and on the Dąbrowa Górnicza Sikorka – Katowice Zone (including) section of the railway line served by the KŚ, and also on the Katowice - Sławków section served by the POLREGIO;
- Blue Metroticket: valid on the entire network in the transport organised by the ZTM and on the Nowy Bieruń – Katowice Zone (including) section of the railway line served by the KŚ;
- Orange Metroticket: valid on the entire network in the transport organised by the ZTM and on the following sections of railway lines served by the KŚ: Tychy Lodowisko - Katowice Zone (including), Łaziska Górne Brada – Katowice Zone (including), and Kobiór - Katowice Zone (including);
- Green Metroticket: valid on the entire network in the transport organised by the ZTM and on the following sections of the railway line served by the KŚ: Gliwice - Katowice Zone (including), and Knurów - Gliwice;
- Yellow Metroticket: valid on the entire network in the transport organised by the ZTM and on the following sections of railway lines served by the KŚ: Tarnowskie Góry - Katowice Zone (including), and Bytom - Gliwice;
- Entire Metropolis Metroticket – valid on the entire network in the transport organised by the ZTM and on all railway lines served by the KŚ within the GZM area, and also on the Katowice - Sławków section served by the POLREGIO.
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