ZTM launches a competition. PLN 65,000 is the awards total

Publication date: 20.05.2019

Passenger Service Points of the Metropolitan Transport Authority will undergo a metamorphosis. The transport organiser launches a competition and encourages to present suggestions of visual transformation of offices situated in the area of biggest cities of the Upper-Silesian - Zagłębie Metropolis. A pool of awards is to encourage designs submission. Approx. PLN 65,000 is to be won in total.

The organisers have broken down the competition into two stages. In stage one the interested parties are to submit a portfolio, i.e. minimum three realised designs with references. 5 persons or design companies will be qualified for the second part. - We will award the parties distinguished in this way. Each participant of this stage will receive PLN 3,000 - says the ZTM press spokesman, Mr Michał Wawrzaszek. - Laureates will be next requested to prepare visual identification of premises serving our passengers every day. The author of the winning design will receive a proposal to prepare the final visualisation. Then we will be talking about an amount of approx. PLN 50,000 - supplements Mr Wawrzaszek.

The applications and competition entries should be submitted electronically to the address kancelaria@metropoliaztm.pl or by traditional mail to the transport organiser’s office. 14 June is the deadline for portfolios submission. Decisions on stage one and two winners will be made consecutively on 28 June and 30 September this year, respectively. In the finals the jury will evaluate the submitted designs in terms of their functionality, aesthetics, and ergonomics. The final preparation of visual identification designs has been planned for 16 December.

The competition is primarily addressed to architects and interior designers, economic operators involved in designing, exhibition graphics, and creating visual space identification as well as to students of design courses.

However, in reality anybody who is 18 years old can participate in the competition. Detailed information on the competition, including its regulations, is available on the website and in social media of ZTM and of the Upper-Silesian - Zagłębie Metropolis. Interested parties can send competition related questions by e-mail to the address konkurs@metropoliaztm.pl.

Graphics: Prace techniczne w systemie aplikacji moBiLET
Prace techniczne w systemie aplikacji moBiLET

W związku z zaplanowanymi pracami technicznymi w nocy z 6 na 7 czerwca od godziny 23:00 do 5:00 mogą wystąpić utrudnienia w ciągłości pracy systemu moBiLET oraz możliwości zakupu biletu przez Pasażerów.

Graphics: Honorowanie biletów kolejowych [Aktualizacja: 14.05., g. 8:43]
Honorowanie biletów kolejowych [Aktualizacja: 14.05., g. 8:43]

Honorowanie biletów Kolei Śląskich na liniach autobusowych, tramwajowych i trolejbusowych obowiązywało dziś (14.05.24 r.) do godz. 8:30