ZTM decides about the next facities for persons with disabilities
So-called induction loops have been installed at the Passenger Service Points (POP) of the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM). They facilitate the service of the hearing-impaired and their commissioning is another evidence that the transport organiser very seriously considers the needs of persons with disabilities.
The ZTM Passenger Service Points are already equipped with so-called induction loops. They are a hearing support measure, which means that they serve people just with such a disability. This solution significantly improves the service quality of passengers using hearing aids or a cochlear implant. The loops transfer the information, which is properly amplified and free of acoustic distortions, ‘straight to the ear’ of a hearing-impaired person. The development of the infrastructure, friendly to persons with special needs, is a necessary step towards the future. The omnipresent noise in a way condemns the society for the problem of difficulty in comprehensible hearing, which becomes a civilisation disease. The ZTM, implementing the hearing support systems, proves that it considers the persons with such a disability very seriously.
How does it work?
One of the greatest advantages of an induction loop consists in the fact that it is service-free. It is enough that a hearing-impaired person will approach a desk at the POP, marked with a special blue-white symbol of an ear, and will switch the hearing aid into the ‘T’ mode. By the excitation of the hearing aid or implant coil, the noise is then amplified with simultaneous elimination of echoes and the noise coming from the surroundings.
A number of actions for persons with disabilities. Each for inclusiveness
The ZTM undertakes numerous actions directed towards the increasing of the urban transport inclusiveness. The accessibility of the public transport for all groups of passengers, including those with disabilities, is permanently improved in this way. A special summary was prepared at the end of the last year, entitled ‘Facilities, which you can hear, see, or touch’. It is available on our website. Certain of the implemented solutions have been mentioned in that publication. All of that is aimed at increasing the awareness of persons with disabilities of the facilities intended for them, and thereby to encourage them to use the public transport.
Among the solutions implemented by the ZTM, meant for persons with disabilities, the new standards of vehicles deserve special attention. They are considered in the successively signed transport contracts and oblige the carriers to apply various facilities. They include contrast displays, standardised voice announcements, illuminated step edges, or entry ramps and the kneel-down function of vehicles. The electronic displays of the Dynamic Passenger Information System with an option of access to the voice information, installed close to stops, or the flag ZTM project, the stickers placed on the timetable boards with the stop name written in Braille and a QR code referring to the website with the timetable, are the examples of other solutions.
The implementation of the above solutions by the ZTM, and also its openness to the needs of persons with disabilities and to the dialogue with the representatives of their circles, was noticed last year by the Stefan Batory Foundation. The transport organiser, together with the ‘Transgresja’ foundation, was a laureate of the competition in the Super Self-Government category.
Prace serwisowe Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej (SDIP)
W poniedziałek 16 września od godziny ok. 10:00 do ok. 10:30 elektroniczne tablice Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej oraz portal Pasażera mogą być tymczasowo nieczynne. Powodem są przeprowadzane prace techniczne. Pasażerów przepraszamy za niedogodności.
Jeśli do teatru, to tylko z Transport GZM!
14 września, w sobotę, do teatrów biorących udział w Nocy Teatrów GZM będzie można dojechać za darmo komunikacją publiczną. Autobusem, tramwajem, trolejbusem możemy podróżować bezpłatnie, pod warunkiem, że będziemy mieć ze sobą specjalny kupon.