Surveys and cake on-board minibuses

Publication date: 09.05.2023

Nearly 5 month ago minibuses, serving 7 new lines, went into streets of Knurów, Tarnowskie Góry, and Zabrze. The survey conducted by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) shows that possibilities, provided by these connections, are already noticed by residents. In one of municipalities, as an expression of joy and thanks for the line starting, the bus driver was offered... a home-made cake.

Let us remind, the new minibus lines were started on the 17th and 19th of December 2022, in 3 municipalities. The key role was played by the mayors of cities - the President of Knurów, Mr Adam Rams, the Mayor of Tarnowskie Góry, Mr Arkadiusz Czech, and the President of Zabrze, Dr Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik. Because of the involvement and favour of these municipalities we could order to serve the lines with small vehicles. This enabled the routes to be determined in such a way that they would pass through narrow streets in small neighbourhoods. So-called white spots, that is places earlier not reached by the urban transport, were covered due to that.

The lines in Zabrze were subject to a survey. The first conclusions have already been drawn 

In Zabrze, surveys of occupancy and marketing studies were carried out in minibus lines. The ZTM Director, Ms Małgorzata Gutowska, and the ZTM Deputy Director for Transport, Mr Aleksander Sobota, presented their results to the President of the city, Ms Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik. The surveys have provided not only interesting information about the new lines operation and passenger needs, but also, which is more important for the travellers, have allowed to start preparations to minor modifications of the timetables. 

The survey shows that out of three minibus lines started in December, line 709 is the most popular in Zabrze. It has a circular route and links the following stops: Plac Dworcowy, Plac Teatralny, Gdańska, ŚCCS, and Plac Teatralny. The Silesian Heart Diseases Centre (ŚCCS) is the most important point on this relatively short route, which is the destination, as the survey shows, of every third passenger. And the next changes, implemented by the ZTM, will be subordinated to just this hospital. A correction, which will facilitate getting to and going back from the ŚCCS, will be prepared together with the City Office. The journeys are carried out now between 7 am and 5 pm. The transport organiser wants to expand this period with additional morning and afternoon-evening connections. This change will be favourable primarily for the hospital staff.

Referring to the other two minibus lines in Zabrze, the survey has shown that line 704 is used by the travellers primarily as a delivery line, that is such, which enables them to get to the selected stop and transfer to another bus (33% of respondents gave such an answer in the survey). While in the case of line 706, the main destinations for its users comprise the health care establishments (36%) and the shopping (31%). 

Taking into consideration all 3 minibus lines in Zabrze, the survey shows that, e.g., 72% of respondents use them every day or a few times a week, 93% of respondents had a positive opinion on the timetable, and 96% of persons did not have any comments on the stops location. The most frequently indicated destinations include health care establishments (29%), shops (22%) as well as recreation and access to other lines, in order to transfer (12% each). 

Let us remind that, to implement three minibus lines in Zabrze, it was necessary to start a dozen or so new stops. We refer here both to the stops situated in the city centre, e.g. Zabrze Roosevelta, Guido Przychodnia, Zabrze Cieszyńska, and Zabrze Śląskie Centrum Chorzów Serca, and outside it; these are stops in Grzybowice, e.g. Przy Ujęciu, Stacja Uzdatniania, Bednorza, Szczecińska, Kościół, and Bora-Komorowskiego, and also in Mikulczyce, Mickiewicza and Parkowa. 

In Knurów the driver was welcomed... with a home-made cake 

Line 610, which was started in mid-December in Knurów, is used primarily by children and elderly persons. The youngest get by minibuses to the Primary School No 1, the Primary School with Integration Classes No 2, the Primary School No 6 in the School and Kindergarten Complex No 3, the Primary School No 7, and the Primary School No 9. While the seniors use line 610 to get to the Municipal Cemetery. 

What is important, the minibuses facilitate getting to not only the educational establishments. The departure times are coordinated with the other lines running through Knurów, due to which on the Knurów Wojska Polskiego and Knurów Centrum Przesiadkowe Szpitalna stops it is easier to transfer to lines running towards Szczygłowice, Gliwice, Gierałtowice, Zabrze, Ruda Śląska, and Katowice. 

In the initial days after the line starting there was an unusual situation. The driver, who was driving the bus on the new route, was offered a home-made cake by women, Knurów residents. The explained that they wanted to thank in this way for the start of connections, which enabled them to go for shopping. 

In Tarnowskie Góry they are thinking about the next minibus lines 

After the initial period of minibus lines operation the ZTM receives positive opinions also from Tarnowskie Góry. The new connections are positively assessed by the Mayor, Mr Arkadiusz Czech, who indicates that they already raise interest of the residents of other districts. The new lines are used primarily by employees of local companies. What is important, the residents of the next districts ask to start similar lines in their places. 

Let us remind that from the date of three minibus lines starting in Tarnowskie Góry, the timetables of two of them have already changed. For line 745 a diversion route had to be introduced due to the repair of Polna street. While with respect to line 746 the bus departure times were adjusted to the working hours in the Electrocarbon company. The ZTM has introduced this modification at the request of that company employees. 

The ZTM invites to the website and for a coffee 

The timetables and the maps illustrating the routes of minibus lines are displayed on the ZTM website. The information about them can also be obtained calling the free hot line, working round-the-clock (800 16 30 30). 

The ZTM, together with representatives of the three aforementioned city offices, organises meetings, during which it will be possible to have a hot coffee and receive transport gadgets. The events will also provide an opportunity to talk about the public transport. Each of the meetings will be held between 9 am and 2 pm, and 4 and 6 pm. The first of them already on the 10th of May, in Zabrze at Plac Teatralny, the second on the 11th of May in Tarnowskie Góry, at Rynek, and the third on the 12th of May in Knurów, at the Transfer Centre (Centrum Przesiadkowe). 


Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

W noce z 29 na 30 lipca 2024 r. oraz z 5 na 6 sierpnia w godzinach 22:00 - 3:00 przeprowadzane będą serwisowe prace Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej.

Graphics: Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach
Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach

Dobra wiadomość dla uczestników OFF Festivalu. W czasie trwania imprezy uruchomione zostaną specjalne, bezpłatne połączenia. Dodatkowo, autobusy linii 110 i 900 będą obsługiwać przystanek Muchowiec Lotnisko Pole Namiotowe.