Safety and life saving - PKM Tychy invests in training for drivers

Publication date: 19.04.2023

What to do with a suspicious piece of luggage? How to provide efficiently the help to passengers in need? The PKM Tychy, a ZTM operator, from the last year has been organising training for drivers, in addition, it offers permanent psychologists duties to the staff. All that out of concern for the safety and comfort of passengers and drivers.

Cyclic training courses for the drivers in the Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Miejskiej (Municipal Transport Enterprise, PKM) in Tychy started in 2022. The officers of the Tychy City Police Headquarters trained then 238 drivers of the urban transport buses. The meetings with police officers covered the issues of safety, including the principles of proceeding in the case of disclosing a ‘suspicious’ package in the bus, methods for responding to the aggressive behaviour of passengers, and the issues of criminal liability for such behaviour, selected issues of regulations applicable to the road traffic, the prevention of alcohol and intoxicants, and also the practical aspects of cooperation with the Police.

Since March this year, the PKM drivers have been participating in the next series of training courses, which cover this time the aspects related to the first pre-medical aid. The classes are delivered by officers of the Municipal Guards in Tychy, certified instructors prepared to teach the first aid to the injured persons, who are in the situation of an immediate hazard to life or health. During the classes, the participants learn to give a heart massage, using a phantom, which generates the information about the effectiveness of the conducted resuscitation. The instructors also present the operation of a defibrillator, which may be used for the effective saving of a human in the case of a sudden cardiac standstill.

There is a great interest in the classes on the first pre-medical aid in the PKM Tychy. A closer contact with the phantom and defibrillator allows the participants of training to brake certain, resulting from the lack of experience, fears of carrying out resuscitation and using more advanced equipment, i.e. defibrillator, to conduct the resuscitation. After the completion of training courses on the first aid at the PKM, it is planned to purchase two defibrillators for the needs, if any, of the staff and persons present in the depot’s area.

Apart from the training courses, the PKM Tychy staff can use permanent duties of a psychologist.

More information about the Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Miejskiej in Tychy is available on the website  here. 

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