Publication date: 29.10.2021

To deal with any matter without leaving your home, we recommend the ePOP. Select the topic of the matter, click the right icon and we will direct you to the right channel.

Śląska Karta Usług Publicznych
Silesian Public Services Card

– file an application for a ŚKUP card, including with delivery to your home, buy a ticket, charge your card, file a complaint, or order an invoice application

Wielofunkcyjna aplikacja ŚKUP
„Mobile ŚKUP”

– download a Multifunctional application

Interaktywna mapa ZTM
Interactive map with connection search engine

– check the location of stops, ticket machines, or points of sale

System Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej
Dynamic Pessenger Information System

– check the actual time of vehicles departure and use other attractive functions of the Portal


Rozkłady jazdy i trasy
Timetable and routes

– check, when a bus, tram, or trolleybus leaves

Wyszukiwarka połączeń
Contact us

– via the hotline

Złóż wniosek, reklamację czy skargę
File an aookucation or complaint

(not related to ŚKUP cards)

Logowanie do Portalu Klienta
Logging to the Customer Portal

 – the instruction shows, how to log in to the Customer Portal