We introduce a mobile application for passengers

Publication date: 14.04.2020

Coding of a season ticket bought through the Customer Portal or money that has been credited to our account in this way; failure reporting; checking timetables - these and other activities can now be done using a smartphone. This option is provided by the Mobile Passenger Application - Mobile ŚKUP.

The application can now be downloaded on phones. For now it is available on Android, but will also appear on iOS. In the current situation, the application helps in minimizing the passenger's contact with the critical elements of the ŚKUP system and thus counteracts the potential spread of coronavirus. Until now, when buying a season ticket through the ŚKUP Customer Portal or recharging your card in this way, you had to apply it later, e.g. to a validator, vending machine or parking meter. It was necessary that this virtual transaction was somehow downloaded from the central system and encoded on the ŚKUP card. Now it is possible to encode tickets and top-ups of Electronic Money purchased on the ŚKUP Customer Portal without having to visit the ticket office or kiosk. In addition to the functionalities mentioned above, the tool also allows submitting VAT invoice applications and submitting complaints, without having to contact the Passenger Service Center or Customer Service Center directly. Using the application, we will also report a problem with the vehicle, in the stop infrastructure or in ŚKUP automatic machines and parking meters - with the option of sending photos. In this way, you can send information about too many passengers in a given vehicle, thanks to which we will take further action to adapt to government restrictions in the current state of the epidemic faster. Mobile ŚKUP also gives access to timetables and messages and enables direct contact with us. The application also displays information about your card (saved funds, discounts, expiration date) and gives you the opportunity to change your password and PIN, or even block the card. The whole is characterized by a comfortable and modern interface. Application operation is intuitive, and an additional convenience is the tutorial that starts when you first log into the application. The tool uses NFC, so to encode the ŚKUP card, just put it on your phone and wait for the appropriate message to appear.

Mobile ŚKUP can be downloaded free of charge from the Play Store. Soon it will also be available on the AppStore. For more information, please visit: www.metropoliagzm.pl. We encourage you to download and use!

Source: GZM Metropolis

Graphics: Mikołajkowy Tramwaj Mundurowy
Mikołajkowy Tramwaj Mundurowy

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Graphics: Bezpłatne połączenia na Śląski Festiwal Nauki
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