Publication date: 26.05.2022

The première of the report ‘Responsible Business in Poland. Best Practice’ took place during the CSR Fair, organised by the Responsible Business Forum. This is the largest in Poland review of sustainable development initiatives. As many as 6 ZTM practices qualified to it.

One ZTM practice qualified to each of the following areas: Corporate governance, Human rights, Labour practices, Consumer issues, Social involvement and development of local community, and Fair operational practices. The last of them, devoted to fraud prevention, was especially distinguished by experts. Report states:

‘Only one institution notified a fraud preventing project, which shows that it is invariably a field for development in Polish business. Hence the programme of anti-corruption education started by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) in Katowice remains an inspiration in this field and a benchmark for similar initiatives taken in the future.’

The report is available on the website of the Responsible Business Forum. You can read about our initiatives on pages 34, 49, 59, 147, 151, 163, and 225.

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Zmiana godzin otwarcia POP w Gliwicach

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