Meetings with passengers about mnibus lines

Publication date: 10.05.2023

Three days of discussions, three days of meetings. People in Knurów, Tarnowskie Góry, and Zabrze could participate in the attractions, which were promoting the ZTM urban transport, the minibus lines in particular.

During these three days, the ZTM representatives and the city mayors were meeting the passengers, to talk about the ZTM transport, mainly about the minibus lines. Since December, the connections carried out by minibuses have been linking districts and improving the travelling in the areas, which previously were not reached by the urban transport vehicles.

During the meetings the passengers could answer a questionnaire, have a coffee, and get some transport gadgets.

Photo-coverage of these events is provided below. We were writing more about the campaign and minibus line here. 

Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

W noce z 29 na 30 lipca 2024 r. oraz z 5 na 6 sierpnia w godzinach 22:00 - 3:00 przeprowadzane będą serwisowe prace Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej.

Graphics: Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach
Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach

Dobra wiadomość dla uczestników OFF Festivalu. W czasie trwania imprezy uruchomione zostaną specjalne, bezpłatne połączenia. Dodatkowo, autobusy linii 110 i 900 będą obsługiwać przystanek Muchowiec Lotnisko Pole Namiotowe.