We met closer with seniors [MOVIE]

Publication date: 10.10.2019

For two days, Arena Gliwice hosted numerous groups of seniors, for whom it was an opportunity to get to know each other better with companies and organizations that offer them special services and facilities.

On Tuesday, 8 and Wednesday, October 9, the first edition of 'Silver Silesia' took place in the Arena Gliwice. Their co-organizer, Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis, proposed ecological workshops referring to the slogan Metropolis without plastic. The Metropolitan Transport Authority also organized its stand. In this way, we wanted to get to know the seniors and emphasize that this is an important social group for us, for which we have introduced a special offer and numerous amenities.

At our stand we presented functionalities in public transport that are dedicated to seniors. It included for information on: reduced or free journeys, passenger information system or technical facilities at our carriers' fleet. Our materials were to show in a simple way how to buy a ticket, especially with the help of electronic ticket validators, as well as to brighten older passengers, how the debt collection process is carried out. A ticket control representative answered questions about the functioning of transport, the tariff, and city card service, while an employee of our press office encouraged the choice of public transport ZTM.

The first edition of the fair gathered seniors of all ages and needs, accompanied by humor and openness to discussion. A lot of them took place. The organizers are already anticipating the next editions of the event. Thank you to all guests and people who helped us in this endeavor.

We invite you to watch the movie presenting a short summary of market days:


implementation: GZM

Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

W noce z 29 na 30 lipca 2024 r. oraz z 5 na 6 sierpnia w godzinach 22:00 - 3:00 przeprowadzane będą serwisowe prace Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej.

Graphics: Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach
Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach

Dobra wiadomość dla uczestników OFF Festivalu. W czasie trwania imprezy uruchomione zostaną specjalne, bezpłatne połączenia. Dodatkowo, autobusy linii 110 i 900 będą obsługiwać przystanek Muchowiec Lotnisko Pole Namiotowe.