Tour de Pologne: There will be difficulties. The ZTM is minimising them

Publication date: 31.07.2023

On the 3rd and 4th of August, the cyclists will arrive on the streets of Silesian cities within the 80th Tour de Pologne. The route of this year’s race will pass inter alia through Katowice, Zabrze, Mikołów, and Tychy, but also residents of other towns must be prepared for numerous difficulties in the traffic. The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM), to minimise the inconveniences, has prepared a number of changes in the urban transport.

The ZTM adapts the traffic of buses and trams to the race in such a way that the passengers would experience the inconveniences to as small and possible extent. The planned changes should be learnt primarily by the passengers from the central and southern-western part of the Upper-Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis.

The restrictions in the traffic and the changes in the urban transport should be specified as at least big ones. On the 3rd of August, the routes and timetables will be modified for 64 lines, 53 bus lines and 11 tram lines. On the next day, that is on the 4th of August, the changes will be introduced on an even larger scale, because they will comprise 73 lines in total, 70 bus lines and 3 trolleybus lines.

On the 3rd of August the cyclists will compete in Katowice, and on the 4th of August, among others in Zabrze, Przyszowice (Gierałtowice municipality), Ornontowice, Mikołów, Tychy, and Świerczyniec (Bojszowy municipality). However, many lines are inter-city in nature, therefore the information on changes in the urban transport should also be learnt by residents of other towns, not only those, through which the Tour de Pologne route passes.

The changes in the urban transport operation come down primarily to route modifications for individual bus lines and, on the one hand, to suspend connections and to not serve certain stops, and on the other hand, to start 5 special lines and to serve additional 8 temporary stops. All the detailed information, together with the especially prepared diagrams of connections for the period of Tour de Pologne, has already been published on the ZTM website, in the News - Messages tab.

The information about changes in the urban transport can also be traditionally obtained calling the hotline (800 16 30 30) and going to one of Passenger Service Points. The passengers can also count on the assistance on site – on Thursday and Friday the ZTM information employees will be present in more than 50 locations covered by the major modifications.

Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

W noce z 29 na 30 lipca 2024 r. oraz z 5 na 6 sierpnia w godzinach 22:00 - 3:00 przeprowadzane będą serwisowe prace Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej.

Graphics: Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach
Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach

Dobra wiadomość dla uczestników OFF Festivalu. W czasie trwania imprezy uruchomione zostaną specjalne, bezpłatne połączenia. Dodatkowo, autobusy linii 110 i 900 będą obsługiwać przystanek Muchowiec Lotnisko Pole Namiotowe.