A virtual SDIP display is already operating. It will allow to plan faster your ride with the ZTM
New functions were started on the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) website. These are notes, due to which everybody can learn the information on the current traffic of the urban transport. Passengers can check in what time, in minutes, the nearest bus, tram, or trolleybus will arrive, or whether the journey, in which they are interested, will be carried out.
Passengers, browsing the timetable on the ZTM website, can already check the current information about the urban transport functioning. A novelty is tested, which will facilitate both planning the rides and the travelling itself. The functionalities work both on a computer and in a mobile version. This means that, waiting on the stop, everybody can check in his/her phone and then decide, whether to wait for the selected bus, or look for another connection.
The new functionalities on the website enable the internet users to acquire two types of information. Firstly, everybody can check when, in minutes, the nearest bus, tram, or trolleybus of the selected line arrives on the specific stop. Secondly, the information about possibly cancelled journeys of the given line will be updated on a current basis.
Where the current information can be found?
This information is available in the same place. It is published on the website with the timetable of a given line, having selected a specific stop. It is enough to enter our website with timetables. First, we select the line, in which we are interested, e.g. bus No M4. Next, having selected the current timetable, this step not always happens, we choose the stop, e.g. Środula Osiedle. And just on this sub-site we will find the interesting information.
The information about the nearest arrival of a bus, tram, or trolleybus is displayed on the top of the site, just under the number of the selected line. The value is given in minutes, and the text ‘Nearest departure’ is next to it. Instead, the information about the cancelling of a specific journey is presented by the crossing out of its minutes, and marking them in red. In addition, it also appears under the times of buses, trams, or trolleybuses departure on the current day, in the ‘All journeys of the day: <current day>’ section.
Once this functionality was implemented, the ZTM stopped displaying the information about the cancelled journeys on its Facebook profile. Let us remind that this information can be still acquired calling a free, and operating round-the-clock, hotline (phone No: 800 16 30 30) and, being on selected stops, checking the information displayed on electronic information displays.
On each working day approx. 20,000 connections in 56 municipalities are carried out based on the ZTM order. Just because of the ZTM operations scale and due to random incidents, independent of us, certain journeys cannot be performed. In 2022, our carriers carried out approx. 99.5% of the transport work ordered to them. We will now mark this ‘half a percent’ on our website.
Ważna informacja dla użytkowników aplikacji Transport GZM
W sklepie Google Play i AppStore dostępne są aktualizacje aplikacji Transport GZM. Wprowadzają jedną istotną zmianę dla pasażerów. W nowej wersji aplikacji możliwość aktywacji przejazdu z biletu Pakietowego działa tylko poprzez zakładkę "moje bilety".
Prace serwisowe Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej (SDIP)
W poniedziałek 16 września od godziny ok. 10:00 do ok. 10:30 elektroniczne tablice Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej oraz portal Pasażera mogą być tymczasowo nieczynne. Powodem są przeprowadzane prace techniczne. Pasażerów przepraszamy za niedogodności.