A change of the method for ŚKUP cards personalisation. Passenger’s data will not be printed on the card

Publication date: 04.10.2022

The method for ŚKUP cards personalisation changes from today. The personalised cards ordered from today will not contain the information about the name and surname, and a photograph, and the passenger will receive a card described ‘Bearer’. The data of passenger filing an application for the personalised card issuance will be now saved only in the system.

The change of a personalised card appearance will not result in any changes in the process of card issuing and using. The passenger’s photograph will be saved in the system, due to which inspectors will be able to assess, whether the authorised person is using the card.

The ordering of non-personalised cards will be still possible, pursuant to hitherto rules.

GZM Transport application

The new system of tickets sales, together with supporting it GZM Transport application, will be operating from November.  However, ŚKUP cards will not disappear from the circulation; with them it will be possible to use tickets, which were purchased and saved on them prior to the start of the new system of payments for tickets.

The most important changes in the modernised system will include shifting from the offline to online mode, due to which transactions will carried out almost in real time. The card will no longer be necessary to create an account and to use the new system functions, it will be enough to download the application from Google Play or App Store. Also the method of new users registration or commissions coding will be more convenient.


Also Metrocards will be available from March next year. They will allow the passengers, who prefer buying tickets for the urban transport by means of cards, to be fully capable of using the modernised system. New cards will change visually and technologically. They will be made of more durable materials, they will have a new graphical layout, pictures and personal data of users will not be printed on them. These data, like after the change introduced now, will be necessary only to establish a personal account and will be displayed during the tickets inspection on the inspector’s terminal.

At the time, when Metrocards appear in circulation, the previously issued ŚKUP cards will also remain in use, until their validity expiry. 


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