We change the tariff. Cheaper from 1st of March

Publication date: 09.01.2020

New, multi-travel tickets at a much lower price, day ticket valid until midnight and a significant reduction in the price of electronic tickets in the distance tariff. These are several of the assumptions of the new tariff, which was presented by the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis.

The new prices will apply from March 1. The tariff has already been formally adopted by the management board of GZM. Its introduction requires significant modifications in the ŚKUP system, which work will begin in the middle of this month. The implementation was preceded by extensive consultations, including with trade unions and the Metropolitan Public Transport Council, which - in addition to experts in this field, also includes students, social workers and pupils. During the consultation, the presented version of the tariff was accepted and no significant changes were modified, which modified the main assumptions of this proposal.

Cheaper distance tickets are one of the most important news. Until now, this offer was not very popular among passengers precisely because of too high ticket prices, and it is the most convenient to use. This is the default tariff of ŚKUP ticket validators, to which you only need to put the card to collect the toll from it. To encourage passengers to use this fare, distance ticket prices will be significantly reduced. We offer particularly favorable prices on the shortest sections. People who buy normal tickets for 1 km will pay only PLN 1.60, while, for example, young people over 16 years of age, students, and pensioners - only PLN 80.00.

Distance tickets will be cheaper by 0,36 zł on average.

distance in km

current tariff

new version of tariff





Up to 1 km

2,20 zł

1,10 zł

1,60 zł - 0,60 zł

0,80 zł - 0,30 zł

From 1 to 2 km

2,80 zł

1,40 zł

2,20 zł - 0,60 zł

1,10 zł - 0,30 zł

From 2 to 5 km

3,10 zł

1,55 zł

2,80 zł - 0,30 zł

1,40 zł - 0,15 zł

From 5 to 9 km

3,70 zł

1,85 zł

3,40 zł - 0,30 zł

1,70 zł - 0,15 zł

From 9 to 14 km

4,20 zł

2,10 zł

3,90 zł - 0,30 zł

1,95 zł - 0,15 zł

From 14 to 20 km

4,40 zł

2,20 zł

4,20 zł - 0,20 zł

2,10 zł - 0,10 zł

Above 20 km

4,60 zł

2,30 zł

4,40 zł - 0,20 zł

2,20 zł - 0,10 zł



0,36 zł


The table shows a comparison of ticket prices in the distance tariff according to the current and the new tariff. Green indicates how much passengers will save on individual ticket types, i.e. how much cheaper they will be compared to the current price list.

The biggest novelty is multi-pass tickets, i.e. a half-year subscription. This option was created for people who occasionally use public transport, do not change trains and would like to have a ticket package valid for more than one month. They will be able to use it at any time for 180 days, i.e. for half a year. A multi-travel ticket will entitle you to travel on the entire network, both by buses, trams and trolleybuses. The decision whether we will use it in one city or two or more will depend on the passenger. Thanks to this, these tickets will be much cheaper than if we wanted to buy a package of one-time tickets - paper or electronic.

It is also worth mentioning other suggestions. Among them, among others day ticket. This is another novelty in the ZTM offer. This ticket is valid until 23:59 the day we deleted or activated it. It will cost PLN 10 (concessionary PLN 5), i.e. it will be PLN 4 cheaper than a daily ticket, which is valid for 24 hours from the moment of validation. He will not be entitled to use the airport line (AP). A day ticket is especially dedicated to people who need to make several trips by public transport in one day. Another offer worth paying attention to is the group ticket. It is an offer for up to five people who, thanks to traveling together, will pay less. A normal ticket will cost PLN 10, and a reduced ticket - PLN 5. Will authorize you to travel throughout the network, for 90 minutes with the possibility of change.

With the entry into force of the new tariff, new one-off paper ticket models will also apply. They will have their current size, but they will look completely different. Firstly, the new tickets were designed in a vertical orientation, i.e. in the way the passenger inserts them into the validator. In addition, graphic accents were arranged differently. The most prominent information will be regarding the type of ticket - for one city or for 20 minutes, for two cities or for 40 minutes or for three cities or for 90 minutes. On the current tickets, the most conspicuous information is their price. The strength of the new tickets will also be security - both visible and invisible. In the case of the former, it is, among others hologram applied by hot-stamping technique, paper with its own watermark with visible fibers in the paper structure, typographic numbering, raster lines of various thicknesses and relief pattern in the background.

One-time paper tickets purchased before March 1 will not expire after changing the tariff. These tickets can be used on the current basis until March 14. After this day, they will also entitle you to travel, however, you will have to buy the so-called supplementary tickets with a denomination of 10 grosze - so that the total price of previously purchased and supplementary tickets is in accordance with the applicable tariff.

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