For the period of ŚKUP failure temporary rules have been introduced in the urban transport [UPDATE ON 10 FEBRUARY, 12:05]
There was a ŚKUP system failure. Because of that the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) prepared for passengers the most important pieces of information on temporary rules of urban transport use. During this exceptional period e.g. the possibilities of tickets purchase are limited, and rules of their validation have been changed.
Single-ride tickets
Single-ride tickets may be purchased in external mobile applications. These are: SkyCash, mPay, moBilet, and JakDojade. In paper versions the tickets are available in kiosks marked with the ŚKUP logo, Passenger Service Points, from drivers, and from 12 solar ticket machines, which list is provided on the ZTM website.
Paper tickets shall be validated in traditional on-board validators in vehicles. In a situation, when - for any reason - it is not possible, the passenger should go to the driver, who will validate the ticket by its appropriate marking. In addition, for the failure period one more option has been allowed: passengers, travelling by trams, can validate tickets in the installed emergency punching validators. In such a situation it is necessary to mark on the ticket reverse side the date and time of ticket validation.
For the period of failure one more, last, alternative has been introduced for the aforementioned options of ticket validation, the date and time of validation may be written on the ticket reverse side by the passenger.
Medium-term tickets
The purchase and validation of ‘24h + Railway’ and ‘Daily’ tickets are possible via external mobile applications (SkyCash, mPay, moBilet, and JakDojade).
Long-term tickets
The long-term tickets purchased previously (before the failure) are valid till the time, for which they have been bought. Persons, who have on their ŚKUP cards encoded long-term tickets, can travel based on them showing the ŚKUP card.
Passengers can buy new monthly tickets:
- in paper versions at Passenger Service Points (cash only)
- transferring funds for a given ticket to the account 45 1090 1186 0000 0001 3708 1372, writing in the bank transfer’s title consecutively: ŚKUP card number, ticket type, information, whether a concession ticket (U) or normal ticket (N) is purchased, the period of its validity, and the city (cities) in which it is to be valid, if any, and name and surname (only in the case, when the transfer sender will be the ticket user).
Examples of transfer titles:
- 1234123412341234, City 30, N, 15.02-16.03, Katowice, Jan Kowalski
- 1234123412341234, Network 90, U, 10.02-10.05
- 1234123412341234, 2 cities 30, N, 12.02-13.03, Katowice, Tychy
During the ride it is necessary to hold the transfer confirmation and a valid ŚKUP card.
Passengers willing to buy a Metroticket, can buy its substitute in Koleje Śląskie ticket windows. This ticket, at this railway carrier, is named ‘Superticket’ and also entitles to use both Koleje Śląskie trains and ZTM connections.
Tickets suspended temporarily
For the period of ŚKUP system failure the possibility to purchase tickets encoded and purchased by means of ŚKUP cards is suspended. This means in practice, that temporarily it is not possible to buy and use tickets in the distance tariff, tickets purchased by means of payment cards in ŚKUP readers, multi-ride tickets, and single-ride tickets encoded on ŚKUP cards. Tickets existing on a ŚKUP card, e.g. multi-ride and single-ride tickets, which cannot be validated in the failure period, temporarily cannot be used. Because of that passengers must use other ticket types.
# [update on 10.02.2023, 12:05]:
Passengers, who have multi-ride tickets on their ŚKUP cards, during the ŚKUP system failure can use the urban transport based on single-ride tickets. Passengers, who will decide to choose such a solution, will be capable of applying for return of the difference in the incurred costs (the difference between a single-ride ticket and a multi-ride ticket). The above refers to both paper and electronic tickets purchased in external mobile applications.
To receive such a reimbursement, after the failure removing it is necessary to go with the ŚKUP card to Passenger Service Points and:
- in the case of using paper tickets, provide the saved paper tickets,
- in the case of using electronic tickets, to present a printout of the payments confirmation, e.g. from the history of transactions.
The ZTM informs at the same time, that after the failure removing the validity of held multi-ride tickets will be extended.
Multi-ride tickets, which cannot be used during the failure, constitute approx. 0.12% of all tickets sold by the ZTM.
To minimise the difficulties, the vehicle drivers will be selling all 3 types of single-ride tickets: 20-, 40-, and 90 minute tickets.
In the case of any questions passengers can address the ZTM staff at Passenger Service Points, or call the hotline. Also ticket inspectors provide assistance and guidance.
We apologise for all the difficulties, to which passengers are exposed, and at the same time we will appreciate your understanding.