Publication date: 16.12.2018

1. What ŚKUP is

The Silesian Public Services Card is a common project of the Katowice conurbation municipalities. ŚKUP card fulfils many functions. It is used as an urban transport ticket. Using a ŚKUP card it is also possible to pay for parking, it may be used in libraries, sports and culture institutions, as well as in town and municipality offices. ŚKUP can be also an e-signature carrier.

2. Logging in to ŚKUP

3. How to choose and order a card

4. How to replace the card

5. Service points

6. ŚKUP card in transport

7. How to use ŚKUP cards in vehicles

8. Concessions coding

A concession, to which the user is entitled, can be encoded on a personalised ŚKUP card. Because of that persons entitled to concessionary travels do not have to present any additional documents during inspections. In the case of paying for a concessionary ticket in the distance tariff, if a concession is recorded on the card, the system  collects the amount corresponding to a concessionary ticket price. If there is no concession on the card, the system collects the amount equal to the price of a normal ticket (in this case, willing to buy a concessionary ticket, an appropriate option should be selected on the reader).

9. Card readers

10. ŚKUP services

11. Other services

12. Project financing

The project received financing from the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodship for the years of 2007-2013.

The cost of the system construction and maintenance:

  • PLN 149.3 million – the system implementation costs covered by the EU financing,
  • PLN 82.5 million – the subsidy from the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesian Voivodeship,
  • PLN 190 million – the total project cost (implementation + maintenance during 65 months).