Zabrze. Trams will be running faster and quieter
The modernisation of the tram track in Wolności street in Zabrze will start on Monday. This is good information for both passengers and nearby residents, because after the investment completion the trams will be running faster and quieter. However, before everybody will be capable of enjoying these facilities, the urban transport must be adapted to the planned repair works. The changes will comprise 9 bus lines and 7 tram lines, which routes pass not only through Zabrze, but also trough Bytom, Chorzów, Gliwice, Katowice, Ruda Śląska, Świętochłowice, and Zbrosławice.
The section planned to modernise is the tram track, which is highly degraded. The ride on this fragment is now accompanied by noise, vibrations, and car swaying. In addition, trams are moving at a speed reduced to the minimum. - Ultimately they will go much faster and quieter, and the passengers will not experience the unpleasant rocking. Also the number of low-floor trams, operating on Zabrze lines, will increase, which will facilitate the use of transport, in particular for disabled, elderly, or travelling with a pram persons - says Mr Andrzej Zowada, the spokesman for the Tramwaje Śląskie S.A.
The tram track reconstruction in Wolności street comprises the section from the intersection with Miarki street to the property at 203-205, Wolności street. The modernisation will comprise a section of a double-track tramline, approx. 670 m long. The functioning of the urban transport must be adapted to the dates and scope of the works. The changes will take effect on the 13th of February, and will comprise both bus lines (6, 250, 270, 280, 286, 617, 840, 840N, and T-3) and tram lines (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 30).
Changes in the tram traffic
3 tram lines must be suspended. These will be lines 1, 2, and 4. A changed route will be effective on line 3 (Makoszowy Pętla – Biskupice Pętla), and a new timetable will be introduced for line 9. Stops Gliwice Zajezdnia 01t and 02t, Maciejów Knurowska 01t and 02t, Maciejów Kondratowicza 01t and 02t, Zabrze Słowackiego 01t and 02t, Zabrze Plac Słowiański 01t and 02t, Zabrze Damrota 01t and 02t, Zabrze Urząd Stanu Cywilnego 01t and 02t, and Zabrze Karola Miarki 01t and 02t will be excluded from the service.
To minimise the difficulties the operation of two tram lines will be restored – line 5 on the Chebzie Pętla – Zabrze Plac Wolności – Bytom Plac Sikorskiego route, and 30 on the Bytom Plac Sikorskiego – Biskupice Pętla route.
Changes in the bus traffic
Changes in the buses operation mean primarily the introduction of diversion routes. This will apply to 8 lines: 6, 250, 270, 280, 286, 617, 840, and 840N. The stops Zabrze Urząd Stanu Cywilnego 01 and 02, Zabrze Damrota 01 and 02, and Zabrze Trocera 01 and 02 will be excluded from the service.
To minimise the difficulties the route of substitute bus transport will be extended. Vehicles, marked with symbol T-3, will be operating between stops Mikulczyce Zwrotnicza and Gliwice Zajezdnia.
The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ZTM) reminds that in the case of operation on a given route of substitute transport, passengers possessing valid tickets are entitled to continue the travel based on that ticket by a vehicle of the same or another line, including vehicles of the substitute transport. If such a situation arises, passengers can travel with a single-ride or ‘Group’ ticket within limits of the ticket validity, with the reservation that during a transfer to the substitute transport the validity period is extended by the time of waiting for the transfer.
Detailed information
Detailed description of changes, together with a map illustrating them, is provided on the ZTM website: Because of the ŚKUP system failure, timetables of certain lines may be published on the website in the form of PDF files.
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