Historical tram runs in the heart of GZM Metropolis

Publication date: 12.06.2019

This Sunday starts the special tram line „Metropolitalna Tramwajowa Linia Turystyczna” (Metropolitan Tourist Tram Line). The historic type N vehicle from the 1950s comes from the center of Katowice to the Silesian Stadium in Chorzów. We invite you to take advantage of the opportunity to travel in time and between known and liked places in the capital of the GZM Metropolis.

As in previous years, also this holiday, we will see in the landscape of Katowice and Chorzów characteristic carriages of the historic tram, which shines with red and impresses with its perfect style from the 1950s. Since this year, this holiday action has, however, a metropolitan rank – and is organized with the sign of the Metropolitan Transport Authority. The normal ZTM ticket is valid for this travel (standard tariff applies). Nevertheless, on board the N you will be able to receive a commemorative ticket, which was made on the model of those of old times.

 The tourist line in our agglomeration has been running since July 2007. At the initiative of the members of the Municipal Transport Lovers' Club in Chorzów Batory, a special holiday tram line number 0 was opened, operated by a historic tram fleet with conductor service, supervising the safety of the passage, providing information and carrying out inspections tickets. Initially, the route ran from Plac Wolności stop in Katowice to the tram terminus at the Silesian Stadium in Chorzów. Over the years, the route has been modified, but the line has always provided access from the center of Katowice to the Silesian Park.

Since 2007, it runs almost every summer, on Sundays and holidays from June to September. The historic composition of the N-type wagons from 1953 and 4ND1 from 1959 was produced by the "Konstal" plant in Chorzów. Both wagons up to the eighties were used to transport passengers on ordinary tram lines. Then they were used as work wagons. In the years 2000-2001 they underwent a thorough renovation, during which they were restored to a factory appearance. Since that time, they have been entered into the register of monuments as "movable technical monuments" and they travel to the routes occasionally, serving special lines or leased by individuals, companies or institutions.

In 2019, as in previous seasons, the tram will operate on line no. 23, running in the following relation: Katowice Zawodzie Zajezdnia – Rynek (Teatr Śl.) – Plac Wolności – Rynek – Rondo – Silesia City Center – Park Śląski – Chorzów Stadion Śląski Pętla Zachodnia – Park Śląski – Silesia City Center – Rondo – Rynek – Park Śląski – Rynek (Teatr Śl.) – Katowice Zawodzie Zajezdnia.

More information about the operation of the line can be found at: www.turystyczna.kmtm.org.pl, while hours of running trams on our website in the "timetables" tab.

Where can you get on the tram line no. 23?

We list the most important places below, near which the historic composition arrives. Among them are characteristic buildings, green areas, well-known housing estates and main squares of Katowice:

 - Silesian Park – green areas, Zoo, Amusement Park,

- Tysiąclecia District,

- Dąb District ,

- "Silesia City Center",

- the hall "Spodek",

- Culture Zone - NOSPR, Silesian Museum,

- Rynek,

- railway station,

- Wolności Square (in the courses to the Silesian Stadium),

- Miarka Square (in courses to Zawodzie),

- high schools (including the University of Silesia, Silesian University of Technology, Academy of Music, University of Economics),

- Gwiazdy District,

- Zawodzie District,

- tram and bus depot in Zawodzie.

Graphics: Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP
Nocne prace serwisowe systemu SDIP

W noce z 29 na 30 lipca 2024 r. oraz z 5 na 6 sierpnia w godzinach 22:00 - 3:00 przeprowadzane będą serwisowe prace Systemu Dynamicznej Informacji Pasażerskiej.

Graphics: Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach
Bezpłatne autobusy na OFF Festival w Katowicach

Dobra wiadomość dla uczestników OFF Festivalu. W czasie trwania imprezy uruchomione zostaną specjalne, bezpłatne połączenia. Dodatkowo, autobusy linii 110 i 900 będą obsługiwać przystanek Muchowiec Lotnisko Pole Namiotowe.